「持続可能な国際商品サプライチェーン」連続ウェビナー 第1回 サステナブルなパーム油の生産と消費:RSPO, MSPO, ISO





【第1回】Q&A 質疑応答セッション



  1. パーム油は生産性が大変高く、需要も急増しています。そのためパーム油すべてをボイコットすることは現実的ではありません。
  2. 自主基準であるRSPO認証に基づいたパーム油の生産は順調に増加していますが、市場での利用は低く、不十分という側面があります。
  3. RSPOは最も広く受け入れられているパーム油認証ですが、セクター上部(天井)のレベルを上げるものであり、セクター全体の変革はできませんので、他の自主基準や、国内基準と補完しあう必要があります。
  4. 国内基準は各国政府からの政策面での支援があり、全体のレベル(床)を上げていくために有用です。
  5. セクター全体の変革を完遂するためには、小規模農家を巻き込むことが肝要です。







The main points of Mr. Chen Hai's speech

1.Palm oil is very productive and the demand for it is growing rapidly.  Therefore, it is not realistic to boycott all palm oil.

2.The production of palm oil based on the voluntary RSPO certification has been steadily increasing, but market uptake is low and inadequate.

3.RSPO is the most widely accepted palm oil certification. It raises the bar at the top of the sector (the ceiling), but cannot transform the whole sector, so it needs to be complemented by other voluntary and national standards.

4.National standards have policy support from national governments and are useful for raising the overall level (floor).

5.In order to complete the transformation of the whole sector, it is essential to involve small farmers.

Discussion points

Firstly, Chen Hai gave a supplementary explanation on RSPO, MSPO and ISPO with more detailed trends, issues and future prospects. He also took questions from audiences. One of the questions was from the Indonesian Federation of Smallholders, which concerned the policy towards ISPO certification for the smallholders who have had land in national parks and other forest areas since before the creation of national parks.

He also mentioned that there has been a lot of effort to harmonize the certifications as these certifications are causing certification fatigue. RSPO is a certification created by multi-stakeholder organizations, with a strong NGO voice. It is a voluntary certification which has strong presence mainly in Europe, and it is helping to raise the bar for the top performers in the supply chain. In other words, it has the role of raising the ceiling, whereas ISPO and NSPO are national standards and have the role of raising the floor as all producers in the applicable country must conform. So, they are different in purpose. However, he explained that MSPO and ISPO are being harmonized with the latest version of RSPO. When completed, the three will be equivalent and MSPO and ISPO will enjoy wide application because they are national standards. In this connection, Shatadru explained that India, which is a large market, has created IPOS certification to cope with the proliferation of certifications. The country signed a memorandum of understanding with the governments of Malaysia and Indonesia to recognize the equivalence of MSPO and ISPO with IPOS and to accept palm oil into the market without duplication of certification work.

In response to a question about what type of supports are available for smallholders, Chen Hai introduced the access to technology and knowledge, certification support and financial support provided by ISPO, MSPO, national governments and relevant NGOs. Shatadru then talked about the four pillars of Solidaridad's smallholder support, and said that Solidaridad is committed to: 1) collecting and introducing good practices and training using digital technology; 2) creating a business environment for smallholders by connecting large and small farms; 3) empowering smallholders to solve problems such as land rights; and 4) supporting smallholders to sell their products in large markets. Sato Kan summarized the comments of Chen Hai and Shatadru, and emphasized that certification system is only a means for Solidaridad, and that the company's focus is to go beyond that, i.e. to improve the livelihoods of smallholders by bringing certified oil use to a critical mass.

Finally, Chen Hai addressed the negative image against palm oil in Europe and the need for long-term efforts to promote understanding and increase the use of certified palm oil. In Europe, NGOs and others are criticizing palm oil for destroying rainforests, but consumers are not willing to pay extra for certified palm oil. There is a contradictory situation where products made from palm oil sell like hotcakes when discounted. He therefore said that although it would take time, right messages should be communicated, and education about sustainable palm oil should be offered, especially to the supply chain who have options. Sato Kan then applied the context to Japan and concluded by saying that in Japan too, the choice to use certified palm oil is in the hands of companies and not consumers, but that consumer, civil society and government regulations will influence the actions of the companies, so it is necessary for the various partners to work together to make change.