「持続可能な国際商品サプライチェーン」連続ウェビナー 第4回 インドのCSR法と持続可能なビジネスモデル






















Companies have been deepening their engagement in social and philanthropic activities and replacing organizations with religious background. It can be said that SDGs represent one of the culminations of the trend.

In India, the Companies Act was revised in 2013 and made it an obligation for the companies which meet specific conditions to spend part of their profit for CSR activities. This is the background of the first presentation by Nitin Lao, Asia Head of Planning, Evaluation and Learning, Solidaridad. He took us through the history of philanthropic activities and the CSR law in India and some programs Solidalidad was engaged with. When CSR budget is spent, in many cases companies finance the activities and citizen groups including NGOs execute them. The second presenter, Yoshitaka Okada, Professor of Sociology and Business at Tokyo International University discussed what type of combination between companies and citizen groups is for higher social contribution and sustainability, citing the research results. And the CSR law is an Indian law, but it applies to Japanese companies operating in India. So, lastly, Koichi Ogyu, Senior Representative of JICA India Office introduced JICA’s business matching service “Tsunagaru Labo”, helping Japanese companies to find NGO partners.

The summary of the presentation by Nitin Lao is as follows:

■History of philanthropic activities in India

In India, the history of philanthropic activities, especially those by companies, had five stages. In each stage, players deepened their understanding of development issues and evolved to the next level. Main players in the philanthropy shifted from religious organizations to public sector, and then to companies. Along with the evolution, business perspectives were brought into the sector, and companies transformed their viewpoints and interests to include environmental, social and economic benefits of the society as a whole.

■CSR law requirements

The Companies Act was revised in 2013 and made it mandatory for the enterprises with a net asset of INR 5 billion (Approx. USD 70 million) or higher, or sales of INR 10 billion (Approx. USD 150 million) or higher, or a net profit of INR 500 million (Approx. USD 5 million) or higher to spend 2% of their average net profit in the past three years. The types of CSR activities they can finance are also regulated.

■Trends of CSR spend

CSR spend between 2014 and 2019 was roughly USD 4.8 billion. About 75% of the companies meeting the conditions made contribution. Of which, 41% conducted the activities in line with SDGs, and two-thirds executed them with civic organizations. The spend was larger in the states with a high number of companies. Companies mostly spent their CSR budget within the state they were operating. Education, health/hygiene, and environment areas are attracting a lot of funding. The selection of area reflected companies’ interests and national interests.

■Examples of CSR activities Solidalidad was engaged

Solidalidad always makes sure to be engaged in the projects which has more benefit to farmers and environment than to companies.

1)Collaboration with Coca Cola Foundation: Funded by Coca Cola Foundation, Solidalidad worked with a sugar company (DCM Shriram) and executed a program to promote sustainable sugar cane cultivation and sugar manufacturing. The initiative reduced the use of agriculture water, increased farmers’ income and expanded sugar cane yield in 8 years.

2)Collaboration with Vodaphone Idea: Solidalidad is to introduce drone-based sensors and data analytics AI to 50,000 small holders to deliver income expansion and soil quality improvement.

Before going into Q&A session, Sato Kan, Joint Representative of Solidalidad Japan summarized the challenge identified by the presentations. He said that Japanese companies have traditionally been not good at working with civil society, and they may need some kind of mediator to maintain compliance with Indian CSR law.

While answering the questions, Nitin made a deeper dive on the situation in India, where companies came to think that contributing to communities in addition to returning to shareholders would benefit them in a long run. And their way of doing philanthropic activities is getting closer to that of Japanese companies which weave social responsibilities into day-to-day business. The Indian CSR law was compiled under such circumstances as an enabler to promote partnership between companies and civic organizations. He also said that that there are about 10, 000 civic organizations in the country, but Solidalidad is stronger than others because it has the DNA of “Sanpo yoshi” and has an intention and posture to co-create CSR activities together with companies.

Okada, on the other hand, provided specific suggestions how Japanese companies can do successful CSR activities in India. He said that when doing CSR projects, companies should remember that they are foreign companies making local people alarmed and maintain friendly posture. It is important to gather information from NGOs first to understand local needs and propose suitable initiatives with options. Hiring a local staff member in charge of CSR would be a plus to propel the project forward. And the headquarters should set decision criteria for the purpose and results of CSR activities, decide on the budget, and let the local company to proactively steer the activities.

Finally, Ogyu from JICA elaborated the activities of “Tsunagaru Labo”, established based on the request from Japanese companies operating in India wondering what to do to comply with CSR law. He walked us through the match-making service to find local NGOs which are comparatively easy to collaborate with and cited some success cases.