「持続可能な国際商品サプライチェーン」連続ウェビナー 第6回 小規模農家による持続可能な紅茶生産を考える






【第6回】Q&A 質疑応答セッション









最後に、キリンホールディングスCSV戦略部 草野結子氏は、「キリングループの持続可能な調達の取り組み」と題し、大企業の認証取得支援を軸とした茶業界での取り組みを紹介しました。












The first half of this webinar featured presentations by three guest speakers. In the first presentation, Mr. Arijit Raha, Secretary General, Tea Board of India, explained the TriniTea initiative in India from the perspective of production quality improvement.

■India's tea industry and its challenges:

■Visions, objectives and contents of TriniTea initiative

■The future of TriniTea initiative

Next, Mr. Krishan Kachari, Head of Impact Investing at Solidaridad Asia, explained another aspect of the TriniTea initiative, focusing on the process of bringing finished products to markets.

■Background of the TriniTea initiative

■TriniTea initiative to support smallholders

■TriniTea initiative's digital initiatives

Lastly, Ms Yuko Kusano, CSV Strategy Department, Kirin Holdings, introduced the Kirin Group's sustainable procurement initiatives in the tea industry, focusing on supporting large plantations in obtaining certification.

The three presentations were followed by a discussion moderated by Ms. Yoshida of the Sustainable Supply Chain Institute, with the participation of Dr. Shatadru, Managing Director of Solidaridad Asia, and Mr. Sato, Co-Director of Solidaridad Japan.

Question 1: How large is the size of the smallholders in India and what is the ratio of smallholder production to the total?

Answer: Producers with approximately 1 to 10 hectares of farmland fall into the category of smallholders. They produce 650 million kilograms. They account for half of the total. (Raha)

Question 2: Why does TriniTea go beyond the concept of certification to support smallholders? What are the benefits for producers and buyers?

Ans: The Tea Board of India has incorporated the guidelines of all certification standards in its standard operation procedures for growers and monitors and evaluates compliance and maintains data within the framework of TriniTea. This data can be used for certification audits, so there is no additional certification cost burden for producers. Buyers also benefit from a sustainable price. Besides almost all the factories and large farms that process the tea produced by the smallholders are certified, which also ensures compliance of the final product. (Raha)

Under the TriniTea initiative, compliance with system requirements is not forced to the member smallholders. It is only because producers are willing and able to take ownership that the initiative is able to go beyond certification and provide the products demanded by the global market. Furthermore, the TriniTea initiative ensures that the entire tea field is in line with the requirements, whereas with certification only a small part of the field is sampled and audited. (Kachari)

Question 3: It is understood that Japanese manufacturers want to source right products for the Japanese market. What are the challenges for them in introducing tea leaves produced by smallholders?

Answer: Kirin is a mass producer, so we procure large quantities of tea leaves that are stable in quality and quantity, mainly from large plantations. At present, we mainly procure tea from Sri Lanka, based on the recipe for “Afternoon Tea”, which is tailored to suit with Japanese customers’ tastes. As for the smallholders, we are supporting the training of the growers associated with the big plantations. (Kusano)

Question 4: When it comes to sourcing tea leaves from smallholders, Japanese companies fear that it will generate more work for them, do you have any opinions from the Indian side?

Answer: We don't want to break the system that has been set up, as the brand has a long history and established loyalty, but we would like you to come and see smallholders’ efforts to improve their income, ethics, environment and food safety for broader sourcing portfolio. If we can understand Kirin’s requirements and priorities, we might be able to respond to them. (Kachari)

The friendly relations between India and Japan are shown in the relationship between PM Modi and PM Abe. Mr. Modi was originally a tea merchant. We want to pursue the possibility of expanding our market in Japan. (Shatadru)