
「持続可能な国際商品サプライチェーン」連続ウェビナー 第7回
テーマ: アジアにおけるアグリビジネスへのインパクト投資





【第7回】Q&A 質疑応答セッション




























Mr. Ayan Banerjee, Head of Impact Investing at Solidaridad Asia, began his presentation by introducing impact investing and Solidaridad's work, particularly to the Japanese audience/investors.

What is impact investing?

Solidaridad and impact investing

Next, Ms. Satoko Kouno, President of ARUN, presented an overview of impact investing, global trends, and a case study of ARUN's investment in the agricultural supply chain in Asia during the pandemic, and invited the audience to think about what they can do with impact investing in startups.

About ARUN

ARUN and impact investing

Investment project case study (Stellapps-IoT company)

Business Competition Examples

Finally, Ms. Mariko Okamoto, President of Oikocredit Japan, shared the orgnization’s track record in social investment and the situation of impact investing in Japan, in order to help Solidaridad Japan consider the possibilities in Japan.


About Oikocredit

How does Oikocredit work and what does it cover?

Investment examples in cooperation with Solidaridad

The state of impact investing in Japan

The panel discussion following the presentations was moderated by Ms. Hidemi Yoshida, President of the Institute for Sustainable Supply Chains, with the participation of Dr. Shatadru Chaddopadhayay, Managing Director of Solidaridad Asia, and Mr. Hiroshi Sato, Co-Director of Solidaridad Japan.

Question 1: Private investment companies are getting involved in impact investing, but it is questionable whether they know the field. In contrast, Solidaridad, ARUN and Oikocredit provide on-the-ground support in addition to investment, so they must have different perspectives. Please tell us about the strengths of each organization in agribusiness.

Answer (Solidaridad Asia): We have a long experience in agri-supply chain and can provide various frameworks, for example, in the project of transplanting tea expertise from India to Africa, we collaborated with UNDP on the implementation and the funding came from Oikocredit. Our organization has fexibility to deliver projects based on investors' expectations.

Answer (Oikocredit): We are helping smallholders to get united and supporting commodity farming. We are connecting smallholders directly to markets. Our efforts go beyond technical support for producers to support cooperatives and intermediary companies.

Answer (ARUN): We can provide local support through start-up companies. We are solving local problems through digitization and new innovations to improve efficiency. We also support start-ups from the seed and early stage.

Question 2: How does the situation of cooperatives differ from country to country?

Answer (Oikocredit): In Africa, the sovereign states ran large plantations. After independence, cooperatives were created by the governments, but they are now being rebuilt because they relied on government purchases and lacked self-help efforts, which devastated agriculture. In India, the distance between the rich commissioners and the small farmers was long, but in the 1990s, the number of co-operative rebuild activities increased. In South America, cooperatives are organised by smallholders.

Question 3: Cooperatives are effective in supporting smallholders, but in Myanmar it is not allowed to form cooperatives because they are seen as a threat to the government.

Answer (ARUN): Myanmar has a high smartphone penetration rate, so there are opportunities to spread and record agricultural knowledge through digital means, and to sell and buy goods and services through e-commerce. It is important to make use of cooperatives, but it is also possible to combine them with new technologies to innovate.

Answer (Solidaridad): There are many cooperatives that are not functioning. If we think that the purpose of cooperatives is to get presentation, there are many ways to do this without having to fight with governments or regulations. Arranging a special economic structure is one of the options. For example, in India, there is a company where producers own 25 to 50% of stake and have impact investors incorporated.

Question 4: What cooperation between Solidaridad and Japanese companies is possible in the context of impact investing?

Answer (Solidaridad Asia / Mr. Ayan and Dr. Shatadur): Various kinds of cooperation are possible depending on expectations. This means that intentions are important, so having in-depth discussions and taking time for generating understanding are keys. Situations change and it is difficult to identify areas where investment is needed. Solidaridad's knowledge and experience in the supply chain can support the identification of investment targets. Also, as an NGO, we are able to bring together stakeholders and reflect their opinions on policy development.

Answer (Solidaridad Japan / Mr. Sato): Solidaridad Japan would like to connect corporates’ supply chain with Solidaridad's support for smallholders, both from a corporate and consumer perspective. The support for smallholders available for individual Japanese people spending their own money was previously limited to the route through taxation, which is the source of ODA, but with the emergence of the new route of impact investment, an environment has been created in which each individual can invest their own money with intention in supporting smallholders. Solidaridad is able work as a connoisseur to help ARUN and Oikocredit, the recipients of these individual funds, to identify where to invest.